Featured Articles

My Portrait of a Sennin-So Shiatsu Master

by Elana Zaiman

Liv Fun: Vol 1 – Issue 1

Mike Kazunori Shimizu has been practicing shiatsu in Seattle for close to 40 years. He is his own boss and his only employee — his answering machine — serves as his secretary. Dressed in his customary shorts and tennis shoes, it’s easy to mistake this trim, gray-tinged sexagenarian as the community basketball coach rather than the renowned healer and philanthropist that he is. Affable and vigorous, this enigmatic man is both a pleasure to know and, at the same time, hard to understand.

I cannot remember which ailment first landed me in Mike’s office; over the years he has helped me with hip and back pain, thyroid problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow — just a few of the many illnesses he treats. In just 30 minutes it’s possible to leave his office more aware of, and present in, your body and more connected to your limbs, yourself and the ground on which you stand.

Shiatsu (literally “shi,” finger and “atsu,” pressure) is a Japanese healing technique based on the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes  the “qi” or the body’s energy meridians, and uses finger pressure to calm the body’s nervous system.

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Liv Fun

by Leisure Care
Spring 2012
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Generations: Silently Working for a Fair World
by Max Wells

I was an impressionable nine-year-old when I attended the New York World’s Fair in 1964. It was like seeing a glimpse of the future; cars hovered, kitchens gleamed, garbage didn’t smell, and deserts were transformed into gardens. Standing atop the steps to the USA pavilion, I felt confident that if I fell, the stairs were so well designed that I couldn’t possibly hurt myself. They’d thought of everything.
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My Portrait of a Sennin-So Shiatsu Master 
by Elana Zaiman

Mike Kazunori Shimizu has been practicing shiatsu in Seattle for close to 40 years. He is his own boss and his only employee — his answering machine serves as his secretary.
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Travel by Leisure Care
by Chris Peterson

Resort-style living — why would you ever want to leave home? Well, even in paradise, a person sometimes needs a change of scenery. 
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